The original Spirit Station
Walk-up exchange riser is 12" x 48" and a comfortable 42" high

Can make a great ticket-taking, greeting, or information station.

Large 30" x 48" work area provides plenty of space

Click here to see a 360 degree view of a Spirit Station
Drawers are optional and can be installed with or without locks (locks come with 2 keys)
To see Spirit Seats, our bench seating product, click here.
Ordering Information
Spirit Station - SS304 $1,665.00
Drawer - SSDRW $151.00
Drawer Lock - DRWL $24.00
The centerpiece of our school pride items is the original "Spirit Station" unit. It has three printable surfaces plus the drawer faces to showcase your school logo. It rolls easily on 5" swivel casters, all with brakes, that will not mark up your gym or hallway floors. Put the "Spirit Station" front and center at your next game or event and show off your school spirit!
set up fee per custom designed unit $100.00